Madrid thrashed 5 nil by Barcelona!!
Place: Sirocco
"ممتاز تمرير" were the echoing pestering chants of fellow friends resonating my eardrum! My heart, which was already boohooing for being aloof in this alienated part of the world, had another reason to yammer as i squandered some 50 riyals for a football match that had an exorbitant dream of mine addendum to it!
Yeah! i breath to live this dream of gloating classico i.e Realmadrid vsBarcelona @ Noucamp! But i wonder, if thats how it feels after you get to live demo, i am dubious, that i will give it a second go!!
Melancholy,tomorrow is supposed to be my convocation!IBA! retrospecting, i commemorate how i planned to imbibe every moment of this felicitous day, jesting among my friends, but somehow i see it shattered because they say"Jobs come first"!II want to break from this harsh reality not to be haunted by it again!
Gist is life takes you @ its own pace!Irrespective,if you r rabbit or tortoise! No matter, how much effort you put in planning, execution & desired satisfaction is not something easily clenched! What you plan, never happens and what happens, is not what you planned for!!
"High expectation always ends low"